
Showing posts from September, 2024

Week 7: Traversing a Bridge is #BetterByBicycle

There's just something special about bridges. I mean the the fact that it connects two pieces of land, once separated by bodies of water like rivers or seas, allowing increased life and activities in the points of places it connects. Bridges also symbolizes life transitions. Just as a bridge takes us from one side of a river to the other, life transitions take us from one phase of life to another. Crossing a bridge can also represent a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. As we cross the bridge, we leave our old selves behind and move towards a new, and hopefully improved version of ourselves. Thu Thiem 2 Bridge in Ho Chi Minh City Lately, most of my bike rides are done in the evening. My reduced workload in the university where I teach meant I have fewer commutes to the campus. I have not been getting laundry delivery calls, my side jobs and masters classes are conducted online, so most of my rides recently were really just to hit my weekly fitness targets. Because I did