Week 8: Grocery Shopping is #BetterByBicycle

First of all, I'd like to add that grocery shopping is better when you do it in a public market than big supermarket chains like Savemore or Pure Gold, because 1) you support small and local business owners, they need more of our support than the billionaires who own those supermarket chains. 2) The goods being sold in the public market has  no or less plastic packaging unlike the ones sold in supermarkets. The plastic pollution crisis is so alarming and we have to do everything we can in our capacity as consumers to stop the demand to produce more plastics. 3) In public markets, you can haggle for prices whereas everything is fixed price in the supermarkets. Now if you are a budget conscious shopper, then a public market suits you perfectly. 

The only advantage of supermarkets that I could think of is that they are airconditioned. No, I can't even count that as an advantage,  it only sounds one at first because of the comfort it brings to shoppers, but the confined and enclosed condition is not really good for our lungs. I guess the only problem with public markets is the parking situation. There are provisions for parking but it's not enough hence the roads leading to the public markets always experience a heavy flow of traffic. But imagine if majority of shoppers in the market  are cyclists. I'm quite sure the limited parking space would be enough to accommodate the bikes of the shoppers. 

In my case, our public market has no bike parking facility so I'd normally just wheel my bike with me as I walk through the various stalls and browse the goods on display. And whenever I buy something, I'd just shoot it in my shopping bag, while hooked in my handlebar. Somehow, my bike also functioned like a pushcart. What I like most about being in bike whenever I'd go to the market, is that every time I forgot something (which happens a lot) and I needed to buy it, it's very easy to go back. Now if I've gone a little farther, I'd still go back, but I would just think of it an an extra lap of exercise as a punishment for being forgetful. 😅

Now here's something you should never forget whenever you'd go to the market, your reusable shopping bag!


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